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June 1 is International Children’s Day. Offer joy to a child with this amazing book!


Now available in book stores

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Illustrations by V. Gresenco

Little Cricky, a book for children originally written in Romanian by Domnita Georgescu Moldoveanu, was published in six editions in Romania, between 1956 and 2002. Then it was translated in 2006 by Liliana Hoton and Miruna Nistor, whose children were its first avid readers. It is a beautiful story in verse telling the adventures of a little cricket in search of his lost violin.

The author is a Romanian who immigrated to France during communism in 1972 and passed away in Paris in 2013. She began writing at an early age, and tried different genres: news, children's tales, novels, poems. She was a member of the Writers' Union from Romania, but it was in French that she wrote the majority of her work. After Domina’s passing, her sister, Natalia Moldoveanu, who lives in Ottawa, Canada, wished to continue publishing her work to perpetuate the values that the author loved.

An epic poem with beautiful illustrations in short, fine verse, Cricky’s story is an enchantment that passes onto the reader a message about friendship and social harmony. With refinement and humour, the author makes of the little character a greatly candid person to whom everyone becomes attached easily. In spite of his initial vanity, this small hero becomes the readers’ friend along his extraordinary adventures.

Every page of the book speaks about not giving up, no matter the adversity: a good lesson for anyone, especially for a child. Not to mention the universal values the story of the little cricket underlines: the beauty of the soul, loyalty, friendship, courage.

Each of us can live more or less happy or beautiful moments in our childhood, but all such moments certainly have an impact on us. Reading a book like Little Cricky is one of the marvellous moments a child can remember with fondness later in life. We all remember the strong feelings we experienced every time we read a beautiful, meaningful book in our childhood. Little Cricky can leave your children with such memories, because it will take them through a journey of feelings:  joy, sadness, anger, anticipation, expectation, and most important, love of life!

Domnita Georgesco-Moldoveanu

"Little Cricky Could Become Among the Best-Selling Children Books" 


"Canadian author Liliana Hoton Releases Inspirational Little Cricky Children’s Book"


"This beautiful book is able to transport children through a diverse emotional journey: anger, anticipation, expectation, joy, love, and sadness."


Little Cricky@2022 by Domnita Georgescu Moldoveanu

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